Are Sterol-Containing Functional Foods Ineffective for Vegans’ Cholesterol Absorption?

Functional foods containing plant sterols have been widely recognized for their cholesterol-lowering properties. However, a question arises when considering vegan diets, which are naturally low in dietary cholesterol. If sterol-containing functional foods work by blocking the absorption of dietary cholesterol, are they then ineffective in people following a vegan diet due to the fact that dietary cholesterol consumption is minimal in this mode of eating? This article aims to explore this question and provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of sterol-containing functional foods in a vegan diet.

Understanding Sterols and Cholesterol Absorption

Sterols are naturally occurring compounds found in plants. They have a similar structure to cholesterol, which is a type of fat found in animal products. When consumed, plant sterols compete with cholesterol for absorption in the intestines, thereby reducing the amount of cholesterol that enters the bloodstream.

Cholesterol and the Vegan Diet

It’s important to note that while vegan diets are low in dietary cholesterol, the body can still produce its own cholesterol. This is because cholesterol plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, such as hormone production and cell membrane formation. Therefore, even individuals following a vegan diet can have high cholesterol levels, particularly if they consume a lot of saturated and trans fats from processed vegan foods.

Sterol-Containing Functional Foods and Vegans

Research suggests that sterol-containing functional foods can still be beneficial for vegans. A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that plant sterols effectively reduced LDL cholesterol levels in vegetarians and vegans. This is because plant sterols not only block dietary cholesterol absorption but also reduce the absorption of cholesterol produced by the body.

Choosing Sterol-Containing Functional Foods

There are many sterol-containing functional foods available on the market, including fortified margarines, juices, and yogurts. When choosing these products, vegans should ensure they are plant-based and free from animal-derived ingredients. It’s also important to consider the overall nutritional profile of the product, as some may be high in added sugars or unhealthy fats.


In conclusion, sterol-containing functional foods can be a useful tool for managing cholesterol levels in vegans. While these foods work by blocking cholesterol absorption, they can also reduce the absorption of cholesterol produced by the body. Therefore, they can be beneficial for vegans, particularly those who consume a lot of processed foods high in unhealthy fats. As always, it’s important to consume these foods as part of a balanced diet and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.